

  • 作者: 李晴鸢
  • 发布时间:2024-11-01



近年来,随着留学热的高涨,越来越多的学生选择前往日本深造。随着新冠疫情的爆发和全球范围内的旅行* ,人们不禁思考着:去日本留学的学生们是否已全部返国?

通过与一些留学生的交流和调查,我们得出以下结论:绝大多数留学生都已经回国了。在疫情爆发初期,日本政府发布了疫情相关措施,包括* 入境和关闭学校。这让许多留学生感到不安和困惑,于是选择提前返国。


除了疫情的影响,其他诸如学业结束、* 到期等原因也成为学生们返国的因素。一位学生表示,他们的学业已经结束,考虑到回国的便利以及后续的就业计划,他们选择提前回国。







Title: Have All Students Studying in Japan Ret* ned?


Studying abroad, especially in Japan, has become a popular choice among students. Many students who went to study in Japan have now ret* ned or are planning to ret* n. In this article, we explore the reasons behind their decision to come back and the overall experiences they gained d* ing their time in Japan.

1. Academic Opportunities:

One of the main reasons why students choose to study in Japan is the excellent academic opportunities. Japanese universities are renowned for their quality education and cutting-edge research facilities. However, due to the ongoing global pandemic, many students have faced challenges in p* suing their academic goals. Some have had to attend online classes, which may not have provided the same level of learning experience as in-person classes.

2. Cult* al Adaptation:

Adapting to a new cult* e is an essential aspect of studying abroad. While some students easily adapt to the Japanese cult* e, language, and lifestyle, others find it more challenging. The language barrier can be a significant obstacle, especially for those who are not proficient in Japanese. Moreover, the cult* al differences in customs, etiquette, and social norms can also pose challenges for students, leading them to consider ret* ning home.

3. Health and Safety Concerns:

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the international student community. Many students studying in Japan were concerned about their health and safety as the virus spread globally. Some students may have decided to ret* n to their home countries to be with their families d* ing this uncertain time. Additionally, the fear of facing travel restrictions or being stuck in a foreign country without sufficient support influenced their decision to ret* n.

4. Personal and Emotional Reasons:

Studying abroad can sometimes be a lonely and isolating experience, particularly for those who are far away from their support networks. Homesickness and feelings of isolation can take a toll on students' mental health, prompting them to reassess their decision of staying in Japan. Many students prioritize their emotional well-being and choose to ret* n to familiar s* roundings and a support system.


While the decision to ret* n from studying in Japan is subjective and varies from person to person, the global pandemic has certainly played a significant role in influencing the choices of many students. Academic challenges, cult* al adaptation difficulties, health concerns, and personal reasons have all contributed to students deciding to ret* n home. Ultimately, such decisions should be respected, as students must prioritize their well-being and educational goals.



我们必须明确一点,每个留学生的回国时间不同,这取决于他们的学习计划、个人情况以及疫情的影响。目前全球仍在受到新冠* 的威胁,因此留学生们可能需要根据具体情况,采取相应的行动。

尽管如此,可以肯定的是,一部分留学生已经顺利回国了。根据zui 近的报道,许多留学生在疫情爆发初期选择提前回国。面对疫情所带来的不确定性,回国对于他们来说是一种安全和保护自己的选择。





去日本留学的学生有的已经回国,有的留在日本继续学业。每个人的情况不尽相同,他们的选择取决于个人的情况和疫情的发展。不管留在哪里,所有的留学生都需要关注疫情动态并且遵守相关规定,确保自己和他人的健康安全。对于准备去日本留学的学生来说,了解zui 新情况和制定合理的应对策略是非常重要的。祝愿所有留学生都能够顺利度过这段特殊时期,实现自己的留学梦想。