- 作者: 王希柠
- 发布时间:2024-07-14
- 学位:(例如,学士/硕士/博士)
- 专业:(例如,国际关系/经济学/计算机科学)
- 学校名称:(例如,哈佛大学/牛津大学/北京大学)
- 在校时间:(例如,2017年至今)
- 相关课程:(列出您在学校期间所学的相关课程)
- 公司名称:(例如,谷歌/麦肯锡/联合国)
- 实习职位:(例如,市场营销实习生/战略咨询实习生/项目助理)
- 时间:(例如,2018年夏季)
- 职责和成就:(列出您在实习期间的职责和取得的成就)
- 研究机构:(例如,卡耐基梅隆大学机器学习实验室)
- 研究项目:(例如,基于深度学习的图像识别)

- 时间:(例如,2019年秋季)
- 研究成果:(列出您的研究成果,包括发表的论文、获奖等)
- 语言能力:(例如,中文/英文/法文,熟练程度)
- 编程语言:(例如,Python/Java/C++,熟练程度)
- 其他技能:(例如,数据分析/项目管理/领导力)
- 社区服务:(例如,志愿者活动/慈善组织)
- 外语交流:(例如,参加国际交流项目/留学经历)
- 获奖与荣誉:(例如,学术奖学金/科研竞赛获奖)
CV 是 Curriculum Vitae 的缩写,即个人简历。在申请留学时,CV 主要用来展示申请人的个人基本信息、教育背景、工作经验、研究兴趣和成就等,以便让招生官评估申请人的能力和适应性。
PS 是 Personal Statement 的缩写,即个人陈述。在申请留学时,PS 主要用来展示申请人的个人背景、学术兴趣、研究动机和未来发展目标等,以便让招生官了解申请人的个人品质、学术能力和目标动机。PS 通常要求申请人用清晰的语言、逻辑和论证来展示自己的学术与职业兴趣,并与所申请的课程或项目相匹配。
Dear [University/Institution],
I am writing to apply for admission to your prestigious institution as an international student. I have chosen to pursue my higher education in [country] because of the excellent reputation of your university and the opportunities it can offer to students like me.
First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am currently a senior student at [Your Current University]. My major is [Your Major], and I have obtained a GPA of [Your GPA] during my undergraduate studies. I have always been passionate about [Your Major], and I am eager to expand my knowledge and skills in this field at your esteemed institution.
Moreover, studying abroad has always been a dream of mine. I believe that immersing myself in a different culture and educational system will broaden my horizons and provide me with a global perspective. It will also enable me to interact with diverse individuals from different backgrounds, which will enhance my intercultural communication skills and help me become a more open-minded and adaptable individual.
I have thoroughly researched your university and found that it aligns perfectly with my academic goals and aspirations. The faculty members at your institution are renowned experts in their fields, and the curriculum is well-designed to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date education. Additionally, your university offers a vibrant campus life and numerous extracurricular activities, which will not only enrich my college experience but also allow me to develop leadership and teamwork skills.
Furthermore, I have taken various steps to ensure that I am well-prepared to study in an English-speaking country. I have diligently studied English throughout my academic career and have obtained a [Your English Proficiency Score] on the [English Proficiency Test]. I am confident in my English language abilities and believe that I am ready to excel in an English-taught program.
In conclusion, I am highly motivated to embark on this new educational journey at your esteemed institution. I am confident that my academic achievements, passion for my field of study, and cross-cultural adaptability will make me a valuable addition to your student body. I eagerly await the opportunity to contribute to your institution and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for my future professional growth.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
CV即Curriculum Vitae,是申请留学时所需要的个人简历。留学CV主要用于展示申请人的个人背景、学术成绩、研究经验、实习经历、语言能力、领导能力、志愿活动等信息,以便帮助招生官员了解申请人的综合能力和适合度。
1. 个人信息:包括姓名、联系方式、出生日期等个人基本信息。
2. 教育背景:包括所获得的学士、硕士、博士学位等信息,列出学校名称、所学专业、入学/毕业时间以及成绩等。
3. 学术成绩:列出重要课程的成绩,尤其是与申请所选专业相关的课程。
4. 科研经历:列出参与的科研项目,包括所在团队、项目背景、自己的具体工作任务与贡献等。
5. 实习经历:列出与所申请专业相关的实习经历,包括实习单位、所从事的工作及所获得的成果。
6. 语言能力:列出掌握的语言及对应的水平证书,例如TOEFL、IELTS等。
7. 领导能力及志愿活动:展示申请人的领导才能、组织经验以及志愿者经历等。
8. 获奖及荣誉:列出近几年所获得的奖项、荣誉等。
9. 技能与兴趣:列出掌握的技能,比如计算机技能、艺术才能等,并展示一些与所申请专业相关的兴趣。