- 作者: 朱闰颜
- 发布时间:2024-09-16
The "UK Study and Work Visa" allows international students to stay and work in the UK after completing their studies. This visa category is known as the Tier 4 (General) Visa.
Here are some key details about the visa:
1. Eligibility: To apply for this visa, you must have completed a degree-level course (post-secondary education). The course should be from a recognized and trusted UK higher education provider.
2. Validity: The visa can be valid for a maximum of 2 years, depending on the duration of the course. For a course that is less than 12 months, the visa duration will be equal to the length of the course. For a course that is 12 months or longer, the visa can be granted for an additional 4 months after completion.
3. Work restrictions: With this visa, you are allowed to work full-time in most job roles, including self-employment and starting a business. However, there might be some restrictions, such as working as a professional sportsperson or working as a doctor or dentist in training.
4. Additional benefits: This visa allows you to bring your family members (like your spouse/partner and children) with you to the UK, and they may also be able to work during their stay.
5. Graduate Route: Starting from July 1, 2021, there will be a new Graduate Route available for international students who complete a degree at the undergraduate level or above in the UK. This route will provide eligible students with the opportunity to stay and work in the UK for up to 2 years (3 years for PhD graduates) after completing their studies.
Note that immigration policies and requirements can change, so it is advisable to check the official UK government website or consult with an immigration advisor for the most up-to-date information.
如果孩子在英国留学并且未满18岁,父母可以申请短期儿童学生签证(Short-term Child Student Visa)或普通访问签证(Standard Visitor Visa)前往英国探望孩子。
1. 孩子年龄在4-17岁之间,正在英国接受教育并持有有效学生签证;
2. 父母拥有足够的资金支付旅行费用,并有能力提供孩子在英国期间的生活和学习费用;
3. 孩子在英国有合适的接待人,并获得他们的同意;
4. 申请人需要提供有效的护照、完整的申请表格、照片、父母的结婚证明、父母的银行账单和资金证明等文件。
1. 父母有合理的旅行目的,比如探望孩子、参加家庭聚会等;
2. 父母在英国逗留的时间不超过六个月;
3. 父母有足够的资金支付旅行费用,并有能力提供孩子在英国期间的生活和学习费用;
4. 申请人需要提供有效的护照、完整的申请表格、照片、父母的结婚证明、父母的银行账单和资金证明等文件。
1. 有效护照:护照的有效期应至少覆盖留学期间,并且有足够的空白页供签证使用。
2. CAS(确认函):学校会为成功录取的学生提供CAS号码,这是签证申请的关键文件。CAS号码包含了详细的课程信息和学费。
3. 申请表格:需要填写并提交在线签证申请表格,称为“Tier 4 (General) 学生签证申请表”或“学生主申请表”。
4. 照片:需要提供符合英国签证要求的照片。
5. 财务证明:需要提供足够的资金证明,以证明自己能够支付学费和生活费用。这可以是银行对帐单,银行存款证明,父母/监护人的资金证明或奖学金证明。
6. 医疗保险:需要提供一份英国境内有效的医疗保险证明。
7. 学历证明:需要提供最高学历的证明文件,例如学位证书、成绩单等。
8. 英语语言能力证明:通常需要提供英语语言能力证明,例如雅思或托福成绩单。
9. 个人陈述:提供一份包括个人背景、留学目的和未来计划的个人陈述。
10. 面试材料:申请人可能需要参加面试,需要准备相关面试材料。