

  • 作者: 马舒阳
  • 发布时间:2024-09-18


A: Hey, have you heard? I am planning to study abroad next year!

B: Really? That's amazing! Where are you planning to go?

A: I am thinking about going to the United States. What about you? Are you considering studying abroad as well?

B: Yes, actually. I am considering studying in Australia. I have always wanted to experience the culture there.

A: That sounds great! So, have you started researching universities and programs?

B: Yes, I have looked into a few universities in Australia. There are so many options to choose from, it's hard to decide!

A: I feel the same way. There are so many universities in the United States too. I've been looking into their rankings and programs offered.

B: Have you also looked into the application process?

A: Yes, I have. It seems quite extensive, with essays, letters of recommendation, and standardized test scores required.

B: Oh wow, that does sound like a lot of work. I hope I can handle it.

A: I'm sure you can. It might be challenging, but it will be worth it in the end.

B: Thanks for the encouragement. I am really excited about this opportunity. Do you have any advice for the application process?

A: Yes, make sure to start early and stay organized. It's also important to reach out to professors or advisors for any questions or guidance you may need. And don't forget to proofread your essays!

B: Thank you for the advice. I will keep that in mind. Do you have any worries or concerns about studying abroad?

A: Of course, there are always some worries. I am concerned about adjusting to a new culture and being away from my family and friends. But I believe it will be a great learning experience.

B: I feel the same way. Leaving everything behind is definitely a big step, but I believe it will help us grow as individuals.

A: Definitely. Well, I am really excited about this journey. Let's keep each other updated on our progress.

B: Sounds good! We can support each other throughout the application process and beyond.

A: Absolutely. Good luck to both of us!

B: Good luck, and here's to the adventure of studying abroad!


A: 嘿,你听说我决定出国留学了吗?

B: 真的吗?太棒了!你决定去哪个国家呢?

A: 我打算去加拿大读大学。

B: 加拿大是个不错的选择,那里的教育水平很高。你准备申请哪所大学?

A: 我正在考虑多伦多大学和温哥华大学。

B: 这两所大学都很好,你可以进一步了解它们的专业设置和课程要求。你打算读什么专业?

A: 我对商科很感兴趣,所以打算申请商学院。

B: 商科是个热门专业,是个不错的选择。加拿大的商学院都有什么要求?

A: 大多数商学院要求提交申请表、推荐信、个人陈述以及成绩单。还有一些学校可能要求面试或语言测试。

B: 这些都是常见的申请要求,你需要提前准备好所有文件和准备面试。还有,你有计划办理签证吗?

A: 是的,办理签证是我接下来的重要任务之一。我已经开始收集所需文件并了解办理流程。

B: 非常好!签证是留学的关键一步,记得提前了解签证申请的要求和所需材料。

A: 谢谢提醒!我会认真准备的。你还有什么建议吗?

B: 我建议你多关注加拿大的文化和生活方式,以及你所选择的大学的校园生活。这样你可以更好地适应新环境。

A: 非常感谢!我会多了解一下加拿大的文化和校园生活。我真的很期待这个留学经历!

B: 我也为你感到兴奋,加油!祝你申请成功并在加拿大度过愉快的学习时光!