- 作者: 马燕然
- 发布时间:2024-08-19
1. 学费:公立学校的学费通常为每年 CDN$12,000 - CDN$20,000 不等;私立学校的学费可能更高,通常在 CDN$20,000 - CDN$40,000 之间。
2. 住宿费:寄宿家庭住宿费通常在每月 CDN$800 - CDN$1,200 不等;校内寄宿费用可能更高,通常在每月 CDN$1,500 - CDN$2,500 之间。
3. 生活费:食物、交通、书籍、娱乐等费用可能每月需要 CDN$500 - CDN$1,000 不等。
A+:90% - 100%
A:85% - 89%
A-:80% - 84%

B+:75% - 79%
B:70% - 74%
B-:65% - 69%
C+:60% - 64%

C:50% - 59%
D:40% - 49%
F:0% - 39%
这只是一个大致的等级划分,具体的标准可能会因学校或省份而有所不同。有些学校或省份可能会使用4.0 GPA系统,将成绩转换为绩点(Grade Point)来进行评判。无论使用哪种评级系统,一般来说,较高的等级代表成绩较好,而较低的等级则代表成绩较差。
December 1, 2022
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter to highly recommend [Student's Full Name] for high school study in Canada. I have had the pleasure of teaching [Student's Name] for the past three years, and I can confidently say that they are one of the most dedicated and talented students I have ever encountered.
[Student's Name] consistently demonstrated exceptional academic abilities throughout their time in my class. Their commitment to learning and their thirst for knowledge are truly extraordinary. They always come well-prepared, actively participate in class discussions, and consistently excel in assignments and examinations. [Student's Name] is not only intellectually gifted but also possesses strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which enable them to grasp complex concepts with ease.
In addition to their academic achievements, [Student's Name] is also an outstanding individual. They display excellent interpersonal skills and have a remarkable ability to work collaboratively with their peers. [Student's Name] actively contributes to group projects and is often seen as a reliable team player. Their friendly and approachable nature makes them highly respected by both their teachers and classmates alike.
What truly sets [Student's Name] apart is their remarkable initiative and leadership qualities. They consistently go above and beyond what is required of them and take the initiative to explore new ideas and concepts independently. [Student's Name] is not afraid to take risks and always demonstrates a strong sense of self-motivation and determination to succeed. They are always eager to take on new challenges and strive for excellence in every aspect of their academic journey.
Based on [Student's Name]'s exceptional academic performance, their outstanding character, and their remarkable leadership qualities, I am confident that they will be a valuable asset to any high school in Canada. I wholeheartedly recommend them for admission to your institution. I am certain that [Student's Name] will continue to excel and achieve great success in their future academic endeavors.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or have any questions regarding [Student's Name]'s academic abilities and character.
Thank you for considering [Student's Name]'s application. I sincerely believe that they will greatly contribute to your institution and bring honor to the Canadian education system.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Designation/Position]
[Your School's Name]