- 作者: 郭伊婳
- 发布时间:2024-04-24
1. 登录上海市公安局出入境管理局官网,在线预约办理落户。
2. 准备办理落户所需材料,包括:
- 护照、签证等身份证明文件原件及复印件;
- 在校学习证明材料(如学生证、录取通知书等);
- 暂住人员住址登记表;
- 体检证明(需要前往指定医院进行体检);
- 其他相关证明材料(根据个人情况,如户口迁移证明、租房合同等)。
3. 在预约时间前往上海市公安局出入境管理局的指定办事大厅,进行落户申请办理。
4. 到达办事大厅后,按照工作人员的指示提交申请材料,并进行面试核查。
5. 缴纳相关费用,如落户申请费等。
6. 等待审批结果。
7. 审批通过后,取回落户证件。
8. 办理完落户手续后,需前往居住地址所在区(县、市)的派出所办理临时居住登记手续。
9. 根据上海市户籍管理政策,适时办理居住地派出所迁移户口手续。
1. 办理居留许可:留学生在入境后需按时办理居留许可。一般来说,在入境后的30天内需要前往当地的出入境管理局办理居留许可。
2. 办理工作和学习证明:在办理居留许可期间,留学生需要提供工作或学习机构出具的证明,在出入境管理局办理相关手续。
3. 户籍申报:在获得居留许可后,留学生需要前往所属派出所办理户籍申报手续。办理户籍申报一般需要提供护照、居留许可等相关证件。
北京市 recently implemented new policies regarding the settlement of foreign students. The new policy aims to attract and retain highly skilled international students in the city.
Under the new policy, foreign students who have obtained a master's degree or above from a reputable university in Beijing and have a job offer or intend to start a business in the city can apply for permanent residency, also known as a hukou.
To be eligible for permanent residency, foreign students must meet certain criteria. They must have obtained their degree within two years prior to the application and have resided in Beijing for at least three years continuously. They must also have paid taxes and contributed to social security during their stay in Beijing.
Additionally, foreign students who have made significant contributions to the city, such as those who have won international academic awards or made breakthroughs in scientific research, may be granted permanent residency even if they do not meet the above criteria.
The new policy is expected to benefit both foreign students and the city of Beijing. It will provide international students with more opportunities to pursue their careers in the city and contribute to its development. At the same time, it will help attract top talent to Beijing and enhance its status as an international education hub.
It's worth noting that the new policy only applies to foreign students studying at universities in Beijing and does not extend to those studying at universities in other cities in China. The implementation of the policy is expected to continue to be refined and adjusted based on feedback and experience.