- 作者: 李南汐
- 发布时间:2024-10-12
The T4 visa is a type of visa for international students studying in the UK. It is specifically for students who are aged 16 or over and wish to study at a UK educational institution. The T4 visa is part of the UK's Points-Based System (PBS) for immigration.
There are two types of T4 visas:
1. Tier 4 (General) Student Visa: This visa is for students who wish to pursue a full-time course of study in the UK. To be eligible for this visa, the student must have a confirmed offer from a licensed education provider, be able to demonstrate sufficient funds to cover their course fees and living expenses, and meet the English language requirements.
2. Tier 4 (Child) Student Visa: This visa is for children aged 4 to 17 who wish to study at an independent school in the UK. The child must have a confirmed offer of enrollment from a licensed independent school and have adequate financial support from their parents or legal guardians.
Both types of T4 visas allow students to work part-time during their studies and have limited options for working full-time during vacation periods.
It is important to note that the UK immigration rules are subject to change, and it is advisable to consult the official UK government website for the most up-to-date information on T4 visas.
1. 护照:有效期至少还有6个月以上,并包含至少两页空白页。
2. 签证申请表格:在线填写并打印签证申请表格。
3. 照片:一张近期清晰的护照照片,符合英国签证要求。
4. 签证费:支付签证费用,费用根据签证类型和申请地点而定。
5. CAS(确认函)号码:由英国的教育机构提供给你的CAS号码,证明你被录取并可以申请签证。
6. 教育机构的资料:提供教育机构的执照、学校信、课程细节等文件。
7. 资金证明:提供一个资金证明,证明你有足够的资金支付学费和生活费用。
8. 语言能力证明:如果英语不是你的第一语言,则可能需要提供英语语言能力考试成绩,如雅思、托福等。
9. 学历证明:提供相关学历证明和成绩单。
10. 警察局注册证明:如果你计划在英国逗留超过6个月,则需要在抵达后前往当地警察局进行注册并获得注册证明。
1. 短期课程:如果你来英国上一个为期不超过6个月的短期课程,签证通常会给予你课程结束后数周或数月的额外停留时间。
2. 学士、硕士和博士课程:如果你在英国攻读的是学士、硕士或博士学位,签证有效期通常会与课程的长度相一致。一般来说,学士学位通常需要3年完成,硕士学位通常需要1年完成,博士学位通常需要3至4年完成。
3. 长期课程:对于超过6个月的长期课程,你可能会被授予一张签证,其有效期与你的课程长度相等,加上额外的停留时间。